Cardiff Register Office is currently unable to answer telephone queries. Face-to-face appointments are unaffected and the team are still answering queries submitted via website and email.

Certificate Copies

You can apply for copy certificates for births, marriages and deaths registered in Cardiff since 1837 (when official records began).

Civil Partnership records are available from 2005 onwards.

For all types of application you will need the following information:

  • the type of certificate you would like: birth, marriage, civil partnership or death
  • name or names the certificate applies to
  • date of the event
  • where the event took place
  • parents names (if applying for a birth certificate)
  • any other relevant information that may help us locate the entry
Please note: We can only issue copy certificates if we hold the register containing the original entry. If we do not, you must apply to the register office that holds the original record. You can apply by post, by phone or online. For general enquiries regarding certificates, please email


    Please note: We cannot take payment online, please complete the form and we will call you to take payment using a credit or debit card.

    Birth details

    Parent details

    ** Parent means the mother’s female partner who under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 is to be treated as a parent of the child

    Death details

    Marriage details

    Civil partnership details

    Your Contact Details

    Your Address



    Standard service: Copy certificates ordered will be posted out second class within 15 working days following successful payment at a cost of £12.50 per certificate.

    Priority service: Copy certificates can be ordered Monday to Friday and will be sent first class the next working day following successful payment at a cost of £38.50 per certificate.




    Please note: We cannot take payment online. We will call you to take payment using a credit or debit card.

    * Required information

    Print out and complete the form you need:

    Birth certificate application (41.7kb PDF)
    Death certificate application (39.7kb PDF)​​​​​​​​​
    Marriage certificate application (31.9kb PDF)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    Civil partnership certificate application (180kb PDF)​​​​​​​​


    Certificates are £12.50 each and you will need to include a postal order made out to Cardiff Council with your application. Please send to:

    Register Office
    Glamorgan Archives
    Clos Parc Morgannwg
    CF11 8AW

    We will issue the certificate by second class post within 15 working days.
    Please note we do not accept cash payments.

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